Join Our Journey to Make a Difference! 🌟

Welcome to El Camino Real Charter High School Fundraising Campaign!

In the heart of our community, our school is not just a place of learning—it's a vibrant hub where future leaders, thinkers, and innovators are shaped. Today, we embark on a thrilling journey, and we invite you to be a part of our story.

Why We're Here

Our mission is to enrich the educational experience of every student, ensuring they have access to the best resources and opportunities available. Supporting mental health is a priority at ECR and paramount to student success. However, our current budget can only fund two school-based therapists. To effectively manage the Wellness Center and current caseloads of free school-based therapy, we need to maintain at least three therapists.

How You Can Help

Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference:
Donate: Every dollar brings us closer to our goal of maintaining our current level of services. No amount is too small to make an impact.
Spread the word: Share our campaign with friends, family, and on social media. The more people know about our cause, the bigger the difference we can make. Share the post below:

Let's Make a Difference Together

Your support is not just a donation - it's an investment in our children's future. Together, we can create an environment that promotes wellness, compassion, and confidence. 

Ready to contribute

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Thank you for being a part of our community's journey towards excellence. Let's make this campaign a success, for our students today and for generations to come!

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